student cheering

Year: 2024

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 36

5 July 2024

Dear Parents, And so that completes The Beacon’s 91st year, and what a year it has been.  So much enterprise and industry, so much enjoyment…

Speech Day 2024!

4 July 2024

On Wednesday afternoon, we welcomed our Beacon Community to the Wycombe Swan Theatre for our annual Speech Day event, celebrating the achievements of Years 4-8….

Year 7 Adventures!

3 July 2024

Last week, our Year 7 boys enjoyed an exciting Modern Foreign Languages trip to either Montpellier in France, or Málaga in Spain, subject to their…

A Trip to Les Orres

2 July 2024

On Saturday 29 June, our Year 8 boys arrived at school ready to go on their final adventure with The Beacon! Following a long but…

Year 6 Residential to Newquay

28 June 2024

Our Year 6 boys excitedly travelled down to the lovely seaside town of Newquay this week for their Residential Trip. Their trip started bright and…

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 35

28 June 2024

Dear Parents, Finally, some hot weather!  I used to dread warm days in the Summer and early Autumn Term at my last job.  Hot, crowded…

The Revengers!

25 June 2024

Our Year 8 boys wowed us last week with their stunning production of ‘The Revengers’. An ambitious production and staged in the round, the boys…

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 34

21 June 2024

Dear Parents, Thank you for all of your generous donations to what was an unforgettable weekend en route to Paris.  The Beacon Peloton strode confidently…

Week 33 Sports Report

14 June 2024

Merchant Taylor’s Cricket Festival (3rd Place) The boys walked out the pavilion on to the main square at Merchant Taylor’s to play the hosts in…

Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 33

14 June 2024

Dear Parents, Before I left for Paris today, it gave me great pleasure to congratulate our Year 8 leavers with their PSB certificates.  The culmination…