student cheering

Week 9 Sports Review

17 November 2023

Cross-Country at Hervines Park: 

Last Saturday morning, our budding athletes from Years 3-6 turned out for the cross-country team on what was a very heavy and muddy course around Hervines Park, which even saw some participants in the races having to duct tape their boots to their socks and ankles, just so they wouldn’t get left behind in the mud!! Our very own Mr Winter and Mr Robinson were up bright and early setting the course up for a home advantage and that proved to be the case. Across the board, all four year groups finished 1st in the team competition, which was fantastic. The effort put in by all the boys was outstanding in trying conditions, with a special mention to the following boys who finished in the top 10 of their respective races…

Year 3 – Quinn R (4th), Teddy S-S (2nd), Sebi W (1st)
Year 4 – Aleem-Hassan F (9th), Kit R (5th), Xander T-O (4th), Evan A (1st)
Year 5 – James M (3rd), Sam W (2nd), Oli K (1st)
Year 6 (pictured) – Benny G (8th), Barney G (2nd), George O (1st)

Finally, a massive thank you from myself and the team to the parents who brought them along, especially to those who were trying to balance the school event with other outside sporting commitments – it is very much appreciated.

Reported by Mr Sutcliffe

Colts A vs Moulsford.

During the 1960’s, Harold Wilson famously said, “a week is a long time in politics is week” and as reshuffles occurred this week, so too did the approach of Colts A squad this week. The boys have a lot on their plate at the moment, what with exams and rehearsals but we got back to enjoying our rugby again this week and put in a very good squad performance against Moulsford.
Lessons were taken from the previous week’s game, and one of our main objectives was to control possession and because of this, we scored some very good tries. To have six different try scores (Hugo C, Henry M x 2, George L, Finn R, Barney x 2 and Harry A x 3) across the team was very pleasing and to back this up with an organised and committed defence made everyone enjoy the game more.

Well done this week boys. The games continue to come thick and fast between now and the end of term with Bedford at home next Wednesday. Thanks also to the continued support of all the parents. It is greatly appreciated.

Reported by Mr Powell

Under 8 B1 vs Moulsford 

On Thursday, our Year 3 boys made the trip across the M40 over to Moulsford who on previous occasions have proven to be a tough opposition. I had the pleasure of looking after the B1 team, who started the game very well by scoring the first try before the Moulsford boys had even touched the ball.

However, a combination of good rugby from Moulsford and lapses of concentration in defence meant that we found ourselves 3-1 down after 10 mins. Just before half-time, excellent footwork from Macsen punched a hole in their defence to score under the posts. Shortly after, Sebi turned on the gas to find a way around the outside of the Moulsford defensive line and score in the corner to bring us into the break at 3-3.

Throughout the second half, a combination of some outstanding handling, ball movement, and spatial awareness saw us capitalise on spaces left by the opposition and make it over the line on multiple occasions. Our work ethic in defence was fantastic, in particular by Ronan and Macsen, meaning we consistently turned the ball over and came out on top with the final result being 8-5.

Although the rugby had finished, the excitement didn’t stop there. The Moulsford match tea unsurprisingly proved yet again to be the highlight of their afternoon… doughnuts and juice! … which in the mind of a Year 3 boy, was like Christmas come early.

Tries – Sebi (3), Macsen (2), Freddie, Jack, Ronan

Team – Freddie F, Jack G, Hendrix K, Milan M, Robert P, Macsen T, Sebi W, Ronan W

Reported by Mr Sutcliffe

Momentum at Moulsford

It was a trip away at Moulsford for the U12A team who were looking for a victory after last week’s tough match against Dragon. The first half was full of errors with The Beacon boys trying to score from first phase and forcing passes and knocking the ball on. The Beacon’s defence stayed strong and put Moulsford under some good pressure to keep the score 0-0 at half time. After a good half time team talk, some new tactics were put in place and The Beacon started to go through multiple phases, looked after the ball and put some lovely passes together.  There were some brilliant team tries scored and the game finished 4-0 to The Beacon.

Well done to all involved.

Reported by Mr Walker

Moulsford Magic

The U8 B2 team had an away match at Moulsford on Thursday. With plenty of “are we there yet” questions from the back of the minibus, we arrived and quickly got the games underway. The B2’s played some of their best rugby of the year so far, defending brilliantly and spreading the ball really well in attack. The boys took what we have been working on in training and implemented it superbly during the match. It was great to see so much running rugby and good skills on show. Well done to the U8 B2’s.

Reported by Mr Walker

Under 8 A vs Moulsford 

The U8A continued their excellent season with a hard fought win over lively opposition from Moulsford. It was a game of small margins with tit for tat scoring meaning no team could pull away. Individuals played well but there was a lack of cohesion as a team that meant defensively we had the porous quality of a colander and a fork. No matter, we kept our noses in front with some excellent solo tries. Well done all! Team: Bertie H, Peter C, Edward B, Quinn R, Barney K, Teddy SS, Jack W and Wilf W.

Reported by Mike Williams