Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 9

17 November 2023

Dear Parents

I would like to think I am usually on top of all things Beacon, but first thing Monday morning, whilst queuing for Assembly, I did ask one boy why he was wearing one white and one blue sock.  He replied, somewhat incredulously , “Odd Socks Week Mr Baker!”  and of course he was correct.  Fast forward to this Friday and walking across the Quad, the first boy I came across was Rory in full Spurs kit.  Now normally we don’t permit Spurs fans in this school, certainly not ones in full kit, but Rory saved himself, firstly by reminding me that today was a ‘Non-uniform day’ and then adding “and my Watford kit is in the wash…” with a wink…they’re funny these Beacon boys…

Ever since I met my wife in 2003, I have worn white shirts.  For no other sartorial reason than, very early in our relationship, she would chastise me for wearing shirt and tie combinations that were odd and didn’t ‘match’.  I just don’t consider these things and I don’t see them easily, and, after error after error, I took her advice to just wear a white shirt and take the matching out of the equation.  Looking back at pictures of me earlier in my career, I can see that she was right – some of the combinations were more of an abomination – but no-one seemed to mind and fortunately, pupils and colleagues cared more for what I was like in the classroom rather than on the catwalk.  Lots of different socks and clothes sense across our pupil population this week and a celebration of our collective individual identities to support the vitally important messages associated with ‘Anti-Bullying Week’…all embraced under a common pride in being associated with The Beacon School.

Have a good weekend

Nick Baker

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