homemade bunting

Children’s Mental Health Week

10 February 2023

Here at The Beacon, we have been taking part in Children’s Mental Health Week. With this year’s theme being ‘Let’s Connect’, our Head of Self & Society, Mr Privett, organised for all boys throughout the school to take part in a school bunting display that could be connected around the school classrooms. Each boy was given a piece of paper bunting and tasked with thinking about something that connects them to their family and friends, to then translate these thoughts creatively or with words onto the bunting. One boy drew a dinner table and highlighted that having dinner with his family helps him connect, other boys drew themselves playing games, saying they connect with their friends when playing games. All of the boys came up with some excellent ideas.

Our Reception boys were thrilled to receive a visit from some of our Upper School boys, who came to visit their classrooms and help them complete their bunting display. In the spirit of connecting, it was lovely to see boys from both ends of the school connecting on this level. Connection is vital for a good mental health, and actively disconnecting and/or isolation can lead to poor mental health. It is important for us to reflect on this and recognise the different people and parts in our lives that make us happy.

Children’s Mental Health week is organised by Place2Be, a children’s mental health charity that provides counselling and mental health support and training in UK schools. “We believe that children should not have to face mental health problems alone.” They offer a variety of different mental health and counselling services for schools, including in-school support, expert training and resources. Place2Be also offers child counselling qualifications, informed by over 28 years’ experience in schools, equipping people with the skills and experience they need to support children and young people.

Mr Privett said, “I’d like to thank all the teachers who have helped make this week fun and memorable, and all the boys for getting involved and helping out. My challenge to all boys this half term is to try and make sure that they do something each day that makes them happy, and to share it with someone special. Lastly, with Random Act of Kindness Day on the Friday 17 February, I am also challenging all the boys to do something kind for their family, take a picture of it, and send it into myself or to their tutor (alternatively, to write a postcard to Mr Baker explaining what they have done).”

Take a look at our gallery of images below.