Exploring the Outdoors

9 February 2023

Our Nursery boys ventured out of the classroom on Wednesday on what they thought would be their weekly welly walk, however, their lovely teachers had a surprise in store for them. The boys spent the morning taking part in their first Outdoor Learning session.

On the school grounds, there is a dedicated area that has been cleared and developed into a safe and welcoming environment for our younger boys to enjoy Outdoor Learning sessions within a specially contained private area. The boys spent time listening to their teachers about the importance of safety when playing outdoors, they learnt what to do if they see any dogs as well as understanding what boundaries are. Our Little Beacons also learnt what ‘Base Camp’ meant and were informed that they should always return to base camp when asked.

Our boys were informed about warning signs they should be aware of when exploring the outdoors and the importance of calling for an adult if they see anything not quite right, such as signs of poisonous berries they should never touch.

After their safety briefing, our Nursery boys were split into two groups – it was time to explore and have some fun! With their magnifying glasses in hand, they discovered flower buds starting to grow of which they identified as signs of Spring. They were excited to be given some hand held garden tools and buckets to aid their collection of stones, leaves, and other items of nature.

To finish off the session, our boys were delighted to be tasked with a Nature Hunt. They were given a list of items that they had to try and locate, from different coloured leaves to sticks of a certain length.

Our Little Beacons had a wonderful time exploring the woodland area and are very much looking forward to their next Outdoor Learning session.

A huge thank you to all our Beacon staff and parents who worked hard to help develop this area into a safe and delightful outdoor learning environment for our younger boys to explore.