Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 11

2 December 2022

Dear Parents,

A ‘Beacon Christmas’ is now officially in full swing!  The lights are up, the trees decorated, penguins (?) on parade…and even my office has been transformed into a festive grotto, adorned with decorations, polar bears and elves. As a young boy, I remember my parents would take my brother and sister and me up to Oxford Street to see the lights and the shop windows but you don’t need to do that…just take a visit to Amersham Road for all your festive enjoyment and atmosphere!

I’ve been to a few school Christmas Fairs in my time as you can imagine. They have all been good fun and impressive affairs…and then I attended our Beacon Parents’ Society Christmas Fair last Saturday. A more incredible array of stalls, grottos, activities you couldn’t wish to see and an event unsurpassed in my experience. My sincere thanks and admiration to Emma Ife and Octavia Orchard and their excellent team of parent elves who gave the boys (and their parents) a superb ‘opening ceremony’ to the festive season.

Throughout this month I have set the boys a challenge during Monday Assembly. The first week was clearing up after themselves after lunch, the second lining up in an orderly fashion outside classrooms, the third holding doors open and the fourth thanking the bus drivers. All simple things that most boys do naturally but it doesn’t harm to have a reminder every once in a while. They ‘passed’ all bar one of these challenges (and we’re working on that one as a focus going forward) with flying colours and as a reward, we were able to give them all their ‘Beacon Advent Calendars’ this week. Well done, boys – you’ve deserved it – and my thanks to the BPS for their kind sponsorship of this initiative. School, boys and parents working in perfect harmony and an excellent example of what a collaborative and community focused School this is.

Have a good weekend,

Nick Baker

Christmas Fair Christmas Photos

At last Saturday’s Christmas Fair, I was selling pictures of the boys that we had taken the previous week. We managed to get a photo of every boy wearing a Santa hat and have printed them out on photographic paper – they have come out beautifully. If you couldn’t attend the Fair or missed the stall and would like the photo, please visit the School Office where all the remaining photographs are sorted in year group order and can be purchased for £3.

Prize Giving – Wednesday 5 July 2023

As a further reminder, please diarise Wednesday 5 July at 14:00 for our annual Prize Giving Ceremony at the Wycombe Swan Theatre.  This is a compulsory school event for all year groups Year 4 and above.

2 boys together
Open Morning – Saturday 28 September 2024

We are warmly welcoming visitors to our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September – click here to book.

For families with boys aged 2-4, we are hosting a Stay & Play session on Wednesday 25 September – click here to book.

View our reviews:

ISI Inspection 2022

Muddy Stilettos & The Good Schools Guide.