Baker’s Beacon Blog – Week 6

13 October 2022

Dear Parents,

I was busy catching up with correspondence and meetings early this week, after returning from the IAPS/HMC Conference in Edinburgh, but one thing I absolutely had to do on Tuesday was ring my mother on the occasion of her birthday.  She spends much of September and October abroad and so was not around for a card and a gift from me or my siblings, but I thought that a call from her (let’s call me her favourite) son would be equally special to receive. I managed to get through at around 2:30pm but rather than be pleased to hear from me, she sounded a bit flustered.  It turned out she was preparing a meal for her friends that evening, couldn’t stop to chat for long and then ended my call prematurely as someone was calling on the other line – none taken!  I was, of course, delighted that she was busy and looking forward to a party later and it’s the thought and contact that counts.  Boys, you can never be too kind to your parents – remember that as your motto for life.

Growing up in Amersham, I was so proud to hear this week that ‘we’ as a town have been awarded the overall winner in the ‘Britain in Bloom’ competition for 2022. Amersham has always been colourful and whilst the ‘Hill’ may not have the olde worlde charm of the ‘Old Town’, the various new installations and care and attention to existing beds in both areas have clearly impressed the judges.  The Memorial Garden in Amersham has always been a beautifully kept and continually creative example of fine horticulture and it was fitting that it was here that the award was announced on Tuesday.  Maybe we can take inspiration from this and aim towards a ‘Beacon in Bloom’ for the Summer Term?  We have many colleagues that have talent and capabilities in this area and, together with any interested parents and boys, could further beautify our beautiful school.  Do let me know if you would like to help or strategize in this regard – full disclosure, I know next to nothing about this area, so together with our young people, would be delighted to learn a thing or two.

We held a Drinks Reception for our local residents on Tuesday evening and it proved a further reminder of just how many in our community have current, recent or historic links to The Beacon.  There is a great deal of affection for our School and many fond memories from their sons or even their own time here but I have to be honest, there is also disappointment and a fair degree of annoyance, principally in regard to traffic and parking matters.  I don’t know a school without issues relating to traffic but we can all, as a collective, ensure that we do our bit by having a school community that is known across the district for always parking and driving responsibly and having the utmost respect and appreciation for our neighbours.  Thank you for everything you do in this regard – I truly appreciate it.

Have a good weekend,

Nick Baker

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