Eggcellent Competition

1 April 2022

In English, our Year 6 boys have been working hard on launching their own, brand new Easter egg brand for the ‘Extremely Exciting Fair Trade Easter Egg Competition’. To start off the project, they had an informative and motivational talk by Miss Inch, our Head of Marketing, who gave them tips and tricks on how to make their brand stand out.

Since then, the boys have been busy designing their products, whilst considering their ‘Unique Selling Point’ and their target market. As well as this, they were tasked with creating advertising slogans and posters containing their very own original logo. The boys came up with some great designs!

Click here to view one of the adverts our boys made for their brand “Chocoluck”.
All our boys worked extremely hard on their projects, so picking winners was difficult!
However, prizes were awarded within each class for the below categories:
  • Best team work
  • Best poster
  • Best slogan
  • Best logo
  • Best press release
  • Most original idea/best overall campaign

Well done to all the boys involved, you could make excellent Advertising Managers one day.