Sustainability Week in Cooking!

12 November 2021

Over the past week, boys in Years 4-8 have been looking at ways of making more conscious choices when it comes to cooking. They have been making sustainable, healthy plant-based meals and discussing why plant-based, protein alternatives, have less of an impact on our environment than meat, as well as increasing fibre intake, and encouraging a health gut microbiome.

Year 4 were tasked with making falafel, whereby they crushed their spices and chopped herbs, which they added to their chickpea mix. The boys then hand molded their falafel into balls ready for baking. They enjoyed eating this with tzatziki in pita bread.

This week, Year 5 have been making healthy black bean burgers. They mixed together various herbs, spices, sweet potato and oat flour. The boys then formed the burgers into patties and baked them in the oven, before enjoying them in a wholemeal burger bun. We discussed how intensively farmed beef is affecting the environment and ways in which we can help reduce the impact as consumers.

Year 6 made curried chickpea pita pockets. They started off by preparing their spices and bringing together their mixture with onions, chickpeas, etc. We also discussed how our carbon footprint may vary when we switch to plant based proteins. The boys also spoke about how quick and easy the dish is to make.

Over the last 2 lessons in Cooking & Nutrition, our Year 7 boys have developed their own recipe and spice blends, to use in a plant-based curry. They chose either Tempeh, Tofu or Jack Fruit as their plant-based alternative to try. When cooked, the boys taste tested all the dishes on tasting plates, and gave their opinion on each. Most boys had not tried any of the above and were intrigued by all the ingredients used.

Year 8 made Adzuki Bean Cottage Pie. The boys used adzuki beans, with a selection of vegetables. Adzuki beans break down due to the beans having very soft skin, this makes them a great plant-based substitute for mince. They then made mashed potato to spread on the top and took the pies home to finish the baking process and enjoy with family.

It has been lovely to see the boys be so opened minded and interested in exploring new plant-based protein alternatives.

In Cooking & Nutrition, we are also making efforts towards sourcing organic meats, fish and vegetables.

We are now using Abel & Cole to source local organic food – Click here to find out more.

As well as using Mayo Bros (local Amersham Butchers) as our meat suppliers. Click here to find out more.