2 boys working on making a camp

Year 7 Blenheim Woods Trip

23 September 2021

A boy pulling a rope across a tree trunk

Last week, the Year 7 boys had the pleasure of visiting Blenheim Woods for an adventure packed couple of days. As this was their first trip of the academic year, it’s safe to say they were all very excited.

They ventured off on Thursday for their 2-day trip full of activities. This included shelter building, fire lighting, cooking, team challenges and various games. The sun came out just in time for them, so they got to enjoy the outdoors in the sunshine.

All the boys had a wonderful time getting to know one another whilst navigating some challenging and different situations.

A special mention to the 15 boys who built their own shelters and were even brave enough to spend the night sleeping underneath them. Well done boys!

We want to say a big thank you to all the teachers who organised the trip and made it as amazing as it was.

Here’s to the next trip!

Take a look at some of the images below.