A boy pushing a bike

Welcome to Early Years at The Beacon

3 September 2021

A young boy looks up

This week we welcomed back all our Beacon Boys and we are glad to have the school filled with laughter and smiles once again after a very quiet summer. A special welcome to all our new boys who have joined us this year, we hope you will be very happy here.

This year we have opened our brand new Nursery for boys aged 3-4, they have had an excellent couple of days settling in and meeting new friends.

Keep reading to see all the activities the boys have been enjoying.

Our Early Years is thriving with new faces and bouncing boys. Reception have had a lovely couple of days playing with dinosaurs and colouring, they also enjoyed snack time outside in the sunshine. They have settled in really well with their friends and are growing more confident everyday.

Our new Little Beacon Nursery boys have also been exploring their new environment and making lots of new friends. Over the past few days they have been playing with dinosaurs and trucks, as well as playing with sand in the garden. Their lovely teachers have really enjoyed meeting the boys and look forward to teaching them for the next year.

Their curious minds really shine through in class and we are all very excited to watch them grow and flourish at The Beacon.

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