Pre-Prep Sports Day 2021

25 June 2021

I was delighted to wake up on Wednesday morning to see blue sky and sunshine – the perfect start for a Pre-Prep Sports Day!

In the morning, Year 1 and 2 put in their best efforts and participated in six different events, including the ‘sprint’, ‘egg and spoon’ race, and Mr Kochar’s favourite; ‘The Obstacle Course’. It was lovely to see so many smiles and the boys enjoying the successes of their achievements, as well as their friends. We celebrated all boys finishing the races, and awarded First, Second and Third – I hope your son spoke with pride when he returned home.

In the afternoon, Reception had their moment to shine and they certainly did not disappoint! It was so lovely to see all the boys taking part and giving it their best. There was a lot of cheering and clapping, it was a lovely celebration. A brilliant event and I hope the gallery of photos below go some way to capture it. Thank you to all the staff for their help on the day, with a very special mention to Mr Kochar for organising and delivering the events!

Ryan Steward – Head of Pre-Prep