student cheering

Pizza Fun!

13 May 2021

What better way to make learning fun than by using pizza?! Some of our Beacon boys have had a fantastic time cooking, cutting and most importantly, eating pizza this week!

In Cooking & Nutrition lessons, the Year 6 boys enjoyed making their very own pizzas, with the help of Mr Thomas.  They discussed how the toppings we choose on pizza can make a big difference to how healthy they are for us. They used a selection of vegetables and herbs, such as peppers, mushrooms, olives and sweetcorn. Once cooked to perfection, the boys enjoyed their tasteful delights!

The Year 1 boys were also lucky enough to use pizza to demonstrate their recent learning of fractions in their Maths lessons. The boys helped cut the pizza into halves, quarters and so on, discussing how it is important to cut each slice fairly so that the slices are all equal. They all worked extremely well and certainly enjoyed the yummy pizza as a treat for their hard work!

We hope you enjoy the gallery below of some of the pizza fun our boys have had this week at The Beacon!