Science classroom

Practical Science Fun!

29 April 2021

Our Year 3 and 4 boys have got stuck in to some practical activities in their Science lessons this week. Year 3 carried out an exciting experiment, where they recreated their own version of the rock cycle using wax ‘sediment’ from wax crayons. They crushed the sediment to form sedimentary rocks, which they rubbed and warmed to create metamorphic rocks. With the absence of a real volcano in our labs, the boys used hot water to complete the cycle and turn the rocks into igneous rocks! Well done, Year 3 geologists!

The Year 4 boys also had a fantastic time taking part in a practical experiment to bring to life their topic of ‘Living things and their Habitats’. The boys have been considering how animals adapt to living in different habitats and this week, they investigated how some animals can live in arctic habitats and swim in freezing cold water. They enjoyed carrying out a practical investigation looking at how an animal’s blubber can protect it from the cold. The boys were asked to hold their hand in iced cold water and time how long they could keep it there. They then covered their hand with margarine, to act as the blubber, and were tasked with doing the same again. It was interesting to see if the boys noticed a difference when they had the protection on their hand. Great job, Year 4!

We hope you enjoy the carousel below of some of our enthusiastic scientists in Year 3 and 4!


2 boys together
Open Morning – Saturday 28 September 2024

We are warmly welcoming visitors to our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September – click here to book.

For families with boys aged 2-4, we are hosting a Stay & Play session on Wednesday 25 September – click here to book.

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