student cheering

It’s Great to Be Back!

15 March 2021

What a truly incredible first week back we had last week. Our Deputy Head (Academic & Digital), Simon Detre, really summed up the feeling of all the staff here at The Beacon when he tweeted on Monday 8 March: “An extraordinary day today @Beacon_School. One of the most joyful atmospheres I can recall in almost 20 years of teaching. #BackToSchool.”

Joyful is absolutely the word that sums up the positive feeling in the school. The sounds of happy, excited boys playing in the grounds, walking through the corridors and learning in the classrooms have been wonderful to hear.

The boys thoroughly enjoyed getting safely back into the School routines, and as you can tell from their smiley faces in the gallery below, they are as happy as we are to all be back together again.