student cheering

The Beacon Jabberwocky

14 January 2021

The Year 5 boys have been studying ‘The Jabberwocky’ poem by Lewis Carroll since the start of term. They have looked at portmanteau words and have had a go at making up their own.

Mr Powell’s class was divided up into groups online and each group rewrote their own version of a verse from the Jabberwocky, which came together as…

‘Twas glorming, and the minigile doads 

Did jhlop and flop in the farrent: 

All tallimsy were the lilydas, 

And the collue dats trawake.


“Beware the Jabberwock, my son! 

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! 

Beware the Baba bird, and shun 

The angerous turanchsnake!”


He took his deadly sword in hand: 

Long time the fearless foe he sought – 

So rested by the gamgam tree, 

And stood awhile in thought:


And, as in deepish thought he stood, 

The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, 

Came sneaking through the zypher wood, 

And mumbled as it came!


One, two! One, two! And through and through 

The deadly axe went clinger-clack! 

He dropped it dead, and with its head, 

And went ruaning back.


“And hast thou slaughtered the Jabberwock? 

Come to my arms, my precious boy! 

O wonderful day! Halloo! Haly!” 

He jarfed in his joy.


‘Twas glorming, and the minigile doads 

Did jhlop and flop in the farrent: 

All tallimsy were the lilydas, 

And the collue dats trawake.


Fantastic effort, well done, boys!

Trevor Powell – Year 5 Teacher