student cheering

Beacon Balloon Debate

1 December 2020

Our Year 6 boys honed their persuasive writing and debating skills this week as they took part in the final round of their annual Balloon Debate. One our finalists shared his thoughts on the event with us…

The Year 6 Balloon Debate is where everyone in the year picks a famous icon throughout history. Then, using persuasive techniques, they create a speech persuading the others that they should not be thrown out of the balloon. There are two heats: one out of each of the four classes, then four go through to the next stage. Next, those four boys are put on a balloon with three other boys from the other classes, and then one of those four people wins in that balloon – I was one of them.

The Balloon Debate for me was very nerve wracking, with formidable opposition. It was a fun experience, as I got to test my skills against the whole year. There were lots of different personalities to choose from, Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali, David Attenborough, and many more. I was given ample time to prepare – writing the achievements of my character, drafting my speech, and finishing with a neat piece. After this, I have certainly become more confident at writing speeches and public speaking.

Daniel J, Year 6