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Where Do You Go From Here?

26 June 2020

Zoom call

Friday was Careers Day! As part of their Leavers’ Programme, our boys in Year 8 spent their morning session watching videos of professionals with hugely varying careers, including medicine, innovation consultancy, music production, teaching, F1 driving and more, to help them think about what they may want to do in the future. Many of the individuals the boys heard from were recent graduates or relatively new to their field. This meant that they could give a great insight into the first few years of their career, how they got there and their qualifications.

The afternoon session was just as insightful! The boys were lucky enough to have the chance to hear from, and then speak to, Beacon Alumni who now attend many of our Year 8 boys’ future schools. The session enabled the boys to get a real sense of the journey they are about to embark on, and to ask those burning questions that often don’t get answered at official open days and tours. We would like to thank all our Old Boys for joining us; it was fantastic to see you again.