student cheering

Looking After Yourselves and Others

26 June 2020

students making a loaf of bread

As our boys prepare to leave The Beacon and embark on new adventures, we wish for them to move on with the skills to look after themselves and others. And what better way to look after yourself and loved ones than to cook them nice, healthy meals? As part of their Year 8 Leavers’ Programme, our boys were set the task by Miss Kearns to bake her ‘Lockdown Loaf’. Each loaf made was delightfully unique in some way, with one boy even making an Irish sourdough loaf instead! It is so important to be able to make and share food with others and the boys did very well indeed.

This week also saw our Year 8 boys complete an online first aid course, to enable them to learn how to care for themselves and/or others if the situation requires it. Having to participate in the course remotely will have made it more challenging, but the boys carried out the task with maturity and can now feel much more confident of what to do when help is required.