student cheering

Year 3’s Creepy Crawlies

18 June 2020

There are all sorts of creepy crawlies to be seen in Year 3’s #BeaconExcellence: Online work this week.

The boys in Year 3 started a learning module all around insects this term. So far, the boys have drawn realistic pictures of insects by following step by step videos and using their observations. Next, the boys were asked to raid their homes for any resources and create a mosaic of an insect of their choice. It was a very open ended task and their teachers were very proud of the huge variety of mosaics they received. They have also learnt about shadow puppets and had a go at doing their own too. Next week, the boys will be continuing to use creative ways to explore insects so the boys have plenty more to look forward to!

2 boys together
Open Morning – Friday 10 May 2024

We are warmly welcoming visitors to our Open Morning on Friday 10 May – click here to book.

For families with boys aged 2-4, we are hosting Stay & Play sessions on Tuesday 21 May – click here to book.

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