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Beacon Teacher Cooking for our Heroes

22 April 2020

We are incredibly proud of our amazing Cooking & Nutrition teacher Mrs Rowland who, together with a team of home cooks within her Seer Green community, has been baking and preparing home-cooked and pre-packaged meals to send to Wexham Park and High Wycombe Ambulance Stations, as well as to Wexham Park and John Radcliffe Hospitals. We are also delighted she has been able to include ingredients grown in our very own School Kitchen Garden.

Mrs Rowland and her team were so pleased to receive this thank you from a paramedic working from the High Wycombe Ambulance Station: “As I’m sure you’re aware, the pressures on the ambulance service and hospitals is dire and I for one often go days, if not weeks, without a homemade hot meal as I’m just too tired to cook once home, so this was an amazing gesture. Please say a massive thank you to anyone involved. That meal was the high point of my shift today.”

We at The Beacon would like to add our huge thanks to Mrs Rowland and her incredible community for this act of kindness towards the amazing men and women who are putting themselves and their safety on the line for us every day.

To read more about The Beacon family cooking for our community, please click here.