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Saving the Super Seagrass!

10 March 2020

Recently, many volunteers from Sky Ocean and across the United Kingdom have been collecting seagrass seeds from many Northern meadows of the United Kingdom. They all then gather in local communities along the Welsh coast, including Llyn Peninsula and Dale Bay in Pembrokeshire, to plant and scatter these super seeds.  Seagrass stores 35 times more carbon than a tropical forest. This is one of the first in many steps to helping the environment in a natural way. The project was rigorously planned and finally last summer it was started.

Many problems have occurred that have slowed down this project. Most prominent, the recent floods near Wales. With the fast water the seagrass struggled to establish itself which caused a delay in its growth.

As well as this, anonymous sources stated that one million seagrass seeds “isn’t enough and some number more like 50-100 million seeds would be satisfactory”. Furthermore, this means we need more seaside towns to cooperate with this operation across the UK.

“Any ideas which help the improvement of our environment should be used under any needed circumstances” said Garden Blogger, Katherine Hersee.  Furthermore, sources say that the government need to put more money into helping these types of projects around the country. Many have complaints about the lack of work done by the Prime Minister and the Environment Secretary and the rest of the government with only £14.7 billion being given to the environmental agencies. With limited funding the scale of this project has been restricted to Wales currently, but with funding from the government, the amount of seeds planted could be at least 50 times larger with 50 million seeds not one million.

Reported by Oli Hales and Seb W