student cheering

LGBTQ + Hate Crimes

10 March 2020

In the UK, a large number of the LGBTQ+ community still face prejudice and segregation. These segregations are evil and offensive. In many news stories there were reported crimes of LGBTQ+ people being abused because of how they identify. The abuse of these people has led to many mental health problem, deaths and suicides. These crimes are very saddening and it is disheartening that people still show hatred towards certain minorities in society.

However, there are many places, people and organizations now in existence to offer support and advice. Examples of these places for young people are National Safe Place ( True Colors United ( This not only helps mental well-being, but it also helps nurture confidence and helps create a sense of safety. There is a need for more of these organizations

There are many people who disagree with the LGBTQ+ community and want to segregate them in even more extreme ways such as specialized schools for LGBTQ+ students. These ideas are not only prejudiced but also illegal. How and when is the government going to deal with these people?

One of the main problem’s LGBTQ+ students in schools and universities are dealing with is false ‘accusation’. Sometimes it is banter gone too far.  How does it feel to be called LGBTQ+? One student said: ‘I feel self-conscious about myself and it makes me feel really isolated knowing that there are boys going to go out and hurt me’. What impact does this have on friends? They further said ‘my friends are really encouraging and believe me as who I am and even if it was true?’ We asked them for their advice for LGBTQ+ friends: ‘To just support them in the best way and support their true colors’. Many schools have safeguarding precautions in place but is this enough to stop LGBTQ+ hate crimes?  Moreover, another problem is that many school children are being ‘accused’ of being LGBTQ+. This so called ‘banter’ is just another form of prejudice towards the minorities in our communities.

It is still saddening that there is so much hate crime against the LGBTQ+ community. Hopefully our generation will learn to accept everyone regardless of how they identify mainly through education. And hopefully these attacks will become a thing of the past.

By Raghav B and Jashan J