Lost Alumni
The Beacon Alumni HuntCan you help with our hunt for lost alumni?
If you can help put us in touch with anyone listed, tell us any first names where we have only initials, or provide any other information that might help us find lost members (e.g. whether they had any brothers, cousins or other relatives who attended the school), then please email us with any information you have. We will not add anyone to our mailing list without checking that they are happy for us to do so first.
Names appear in class of order, that is the year boys would have left The Beacon had they stayed until Year 8 (aged 13).
If you would like to update your details, you can do so online using our secure alumni update form.
Names appear in class of order, that is the year boys would have left The Beacon had they stayed until Year 8 (aged 13).
If you would like to update your details, you can do so online using our secure alumni update form.
1960's Leavers - 'Lost' Alumni
Class of 1964
P J Biss
J R Clark
R B Morris
Chris Trim
R C Boning
R P Dodds
C S Orwin
D P Bradshaw
P H Hill
C J Patton
T J Buckle
Nigel Ifftner
R J Rendall
Class of 1965
J G Anderson
R P Ginder
M R Mitchell
P B Terry
R D Bell
Tim Harrison
R G Nurick
S R Varland
Timothy Brigstocke
A L Howse
C J Robertson
D H Wade
Max Connell
James Medley
Lyndon? Savage
David De Boos
D A Milne
L M Tate
Class of 1966
P J Arden
Miles Glossop
M Peters
P J Saunders
J E Bardo
A Hunter
R A Ralli
R A Shanks
S J Charlton
N M Johnson
G C Ramsey
N R Charrington
N A Mackenzie
C M Rogers
A R Cope
N I Markham
Robert Ruck-Keene
Class of 1967
Peter? Anderson
Michael Buck
C J Maxwell
N H Tanner
J C Arnold
C L Davies
S C Randall
J W Taylor
P D Austen
R A Harris
J H Reid
George Wander
A R Bell
M E Harrison
S C Sanderson
G P Bradshaw
J V Hart
J P Seabrook
Class of 1968
Charles Blacklock
M J Gould
Mark Mans
Martin Pratt
James Garrett Pegge
N D Headley
Andy Mason
Ian Pretty
C J Goodger
Nick Jones
Hugh Padgham
J F Ward
Class of 1969
H F Allen
Robert (Bob) Cornwall
Tim Higgs
Jonathan Seabrook
Andrew Armitage
J M Ferguson
Duncan Mackenzie
Marcus Simmons
Nick Biss
R A Fox
Robin Mackenzie
Nicholas Sudbury
G L Bnooker
Philip Franks
Jonathan Mason
Richard Tribe
Richard Buck
Colin Glossop
Richard Matlock
Simon Whitworth
John Butcher
Jonathan Graffy
Chris Mennem
Michael Wood
P A Charlton
Jonathan Hearn
G R Prest or Puest
Ian Yellowlees
1970's Leavers - 'Lost' Alumni
Class of 1970
Nicholas Bromley
J ‘Tiggy’ Gould
Nick Reid
Christopher Unsworth
Andrew Crump
Michael? Grimsdell
John Robinson
Philip Wander
Ian Drummond
Benjamin Mennem
Hugh Senior
John Galbraith
A R Mitchell
Andrew Thomson
John Goble
Jeremy Newby Vincent
Andrew Tribe
Class of 1971
Simon Armitage
Julian Davies
J K McChae
H P Stables
Nicholas Arnold
M J Hill
Phillip Ralli
Patrick Vigne
J R Clarke
M G Jordan
S J Sanderson
R G Webster
J C Darmon
Russell/Rusty Lodge
Andrew Senior
Class of 1972
Stewart/Stuart? Crump
William Lake
R V Morgan
Richard Thomson
Donald Galbraith
Christopher Leach
R W Moss
Charles Williams
Nicholas Greenwood
Peter Marson
Julian Planterose
Nigel Grice
J I McAlley
Simon Powell
Class of 1973
Quentin Armitage
Simon Knights
David Packer
Adam Rope
Richard Ball
Guy Monsen-Fry
Nicholas Perrin
Nigel Spencer
Nicholas Kerr
Matthew Mullins
Angus Rogers
Ian Williams
Class of 1974
A Algar
Robert Brooks
David Irwin
T J Sloper
Paul Allen
Peter Carey
Richard McGill
J G Thornton
Richard Baker
Patrick Gilson
Alexander Mennem
Ollie Ward
Rhees Baron
R H Ginder
David Moss
G R Bayly
Christopher Higgs
Hugh Popplewell
P I Booth
William Hutton
Kevin Riley
Class of 1975
Robert Armitage
Simon Hood
Huw Prothero
Bruce Thomson
Frank Blanchette
Steven Jones
Peter Schroeder
R P Tribe
Tim Bowling
Geoff? Lake
Robin Sherwood
Guy Walker
Miles Brazier
Jamie Marson
Kevin Silver
Jerome Coulton
Simon Moore
Paul? Strange
Andrew Harris
Nick Pegley
Jeff Streule
Class of 1976
Andrew Bayly
David Demmery
Mark Lague
Angus Rogers
R F Booth
Tim Greenslade
Simon Little
Ian Roy
Mark Bowsher
John Gregory
Peter Mullins
Ewan Scuthcher
Nick Bramwell
John Hawksley
Jeremy Newland
Charles Shanks
Mark Carey
T S Jones
D R Owens
David Tavernor
J C Coquillon
John Kelly
Nicholas Packer
Mark Taylor
Class of 1977
Anthony Armitage
Timothy Hearn
R Pearce
J R Walker
William Armitage
Simon Irwin
Thomas Petersen
S J Walker
Roger Barber
Mark Knights
David Pritchard
Justin Carter
N J Moss
M W Reynolds
L G Green
Tim Patch
Simon Stanworth
Class of 1978
David Brown
M A Donaldson
John Handy
David Mullins
M W Carter
Charles Dornton
Jeremy? Healy
J G Olear
Christopher Collier
Toby Dunn
David Honigmann
Piers Ricketts
Daniel Coulton
Edwin Farr
Ian Jennings
Dominic Sale
T P Darmon
Mike Foxley
Aaron Jones
Paul Schroeder
Keith Davis
Anthony Gormly
C H Jones
P P Thomson
James Donaldson
Stephen Gummer
Gavan Little
Mike Thornton
Class of 1979
James Austin
Jeremy Fage
Jeremy Lye
Daniel Silver
Martin Barber
Angus Ferguson
William Moore
James Stuart
Dominic Bromley
Justin Fowler
David Nicholson
Christian Sweet
Darrin Charlton
G M Greaves
R D Peters
R F Wilkinson
Simon Cox
David Jacobi
Tim Scott
Keith Wood-Smith
Andrew Dawson
Paul Jakobi
Roland Shanks
1980's Leavers - 'Lost' Alumni
Class of 1980
Timothy Bishop
Torquil Gibbs
Witney King
Andrew Whewell
David Bosdet
Douglas Green
Richard Lambert
William Woodley
Rupert/Robert? Fage
R M Johnson
Tim Macmillan
M J Feltham
Robert? Jones
Rupert Pritchard
Class of 1981
M P Adams
Samuel Godden
Andrew Lykiardopoulos
Nick Pool
Richard Ames
Jim Hodder
C T Owen
Marc Sabido
Hugh Blenkinsopp
Fraser Jackson
David Pearce
Edward/Edwin? Webb
Stephen David
Euan Leckie
Simon Perrin
David Webster
C T Gill
Tim Loveridge
Mark Pickering
Richard? Wilkins
Class of 1982
Pete Austin
Nick Grice
David Morgan
David Sherriff
Andrew? Beattie
Peter Hanley
Andrew Nimmo
A R Thomson
Dan Cotton
Oliver Jones
Hamish Overend
Kevin? West
Paul Davis
Chris Larminie
George Roberts
Christopher Dawson
Chris Lye
Chris Scott
Class of 1983
Nick Berriff
Nick Gordon
Tom? Robson
D C Stewart
Charles Butterworth
Ingo Hemmerling
J M Ross
Alistair Sunderland
Phil Daborn
A R Johnson
Jonathan Rugg
J W Willmott
Robert Flynn
Ian Johnson
Chris Salter
Ian Wright
Jonathan Fortgang
Christopher? Packer
D C Sharp
Justin Wrigley
Class of 1984
Adrian Ambrose
Kenny Carter
M C Hopkins
David Parkinson
Anthony Booth
Richard Ellison
Kit Johnson
Toby Phipps
Ben Buston
R D Ferguson
Jari Kettering
James Richens
David Caithness
Richard Furse
S S Lewis
N P ten Berg
Chris Cansdale
William Green
L N Linington
A J Wilshire
Class of 1985
Peter Carter
James Dalton-Morris
Anthony Liddell
William Mowle
Richard Cochrane
Ollie Hill
Alistair/Alastair Lowden
Adrian Toynton
Doug Cook
Marcus Holburn
C Masters
David Williams
Matthew Crabbe
Adrian Lambert
Peter Morgan
Class of 1986
Olly Buston
James? Davies
Joe Molony
Barnaby Smith
H M Cairns
Sam Dawson
Toby Phillips
Alistair Stewart
William Cogan
William Glyn-Jones
Peter Richens
Thomas Wrigley
Lindsay Croisdale-Appleby
Steven Hewitt
John Rinkel
Michael Dalton-Morris
John Leeper
R P Senior (Kinsey)
Class of 1987
Richard Alderson
Simon Cuthbert
Benjamin Merrick
Jon Sabido
Matthew Anderson
C M Davies
Aidan Meynell
Bruce Tolmie-Thomson
Robert Church
T A Donaldson
Anthony Parkes
James Walsh
T D Craig
Paul Griffiths
N H Power
Ian/ Iain Cuthbert
S V Lewis
Max Rooksby
Class of 1988
Jon Anderson
Sam Cook
Nick Lee
N P Rees
Matthew Brown
Nick Greaves
Ben Linington
James Rugg
Nick Brown
Matthew Higgs
J K Madoui
Andrew Schutte
James Cameron
D H Hunt
Jeroen Nimz
C A Smith
David Cleveland
Alex Kydd
James Parsons
P G White
Class of 1989
Christopher Allen
Julian Goford
Simon Neil
Edward Salter
Scott Bethune
D Knight
Nick North
J D Sharpley
Alex Dawson
B L Lewis
A Pinches
Adam Sidney
Andrew Farrow
M D Macfarlane
Philip Pym
John Wilson
James Franklin
Tom Molony
James Roberts
1990's Leavers - 'Lost' Alumni
Class of 1990
R J Anderson
James Cope
S W Jeffries
Neil Ronson
Jonathan Barclay
Ben Coppock
James Levison
Tim Stewart
D S Barrow
Alex Harwood
J D Marshall
C E Thomson
Clive Bolt
Julian Heath
Nick Mifsud
Chris Tighe
Alastair Brook
C G Heimann
Michael Parsons
Rory Watson
Andrew Cansdale
T M Hunt
Mark Radon
Class of 1991
Duncan Chamberlain
Francis Hayes
Paul O’Neill
John Reynolds
Stephen Deuters
Jonny Hudson
Andrew Overend
Alex Sharman
Tony Foot
Paul Ingram
S M Parekh
Paul Stewart
Andrew Franklin
Chris Kelly
Tom Price
David Torbet
Colin Harris
Christopher Neil
Jonathan Rees
Ben Wilson
Class of 1992
Robert Alderson
Graham? Blackwell
Amos Fletcher
David Masters
Richard Baguley
James Carrell
Charles Adrian Gillott
Simon Maude-Roxby
Andrew? Bailey
Andrew Chatterton
James Hannan
Adam Moon
Andrew Ball
Matt Cresswell
Christopher Heath
Richard Muir
Anthony Barclay
David Emery
Simon Holmes
Simon Neill
Oliver Barnsley
W G Fielding
William Leeper
David Vicary
Class of 1993
Anthony Anderson
Daniel Halsey
Alex Price
Hamish Watson
Martin Baber
Alexander John
Richard Thomas
Alex Wood
Kevin Coakley
Richard Murphy
Oliver Vincent
James Cochrane
Peter Neale
Ollie Ward
Class of 1994
G M Brooks
Edward Desoutter
Charlie Irvine
Peter Ogden
Nick Brown
Matthew Dyson
Alex Jones
S J Pollock
T A Brown
James Hannan
David Jones
Luke Spurway
Tom Card
Aidan Harris
R P Jones
Andrew Tonks
Andrew Chrimes
J C Hedberg
Jamie Lillywhite
Stuart Valentine
Tom Clarke
A T Hinaman
Jonathan Lunt
Nick Darbyshire
J A Holroyd
James McNeilly
Class of 1995
William Baguley
Charles Emery
D G Heath
Elliot Sherwood-Roberts
Nick Bates
Paul Fisher
Geoff Huson
Rupert Single
Luke Bedford
Rupert Fletcher
David Ireland
Alex Turner
David Bermingham
William Gordon
Alistair McNicoll
Matthew Wolfenden
Christopher Cockle
Matthew Hart
Charles Owen
Richard Duncan
Tom Hart
Nicholas Owen
Class of 1996
Gavin Bannerman
Tim Dyson
David Neave
Jeremy Whitaker
Rupert Bateson
Gerard Harris
John Sarsfield
Ben Wilson
Andrew Cooper
Thomas Manley
Christopher Sharpes
Jason Wilson
Oliver Cooper
Alexander Marshall
James Walker
Class of 1997
Peter Adi
Peter Dawson
Kit Lucas
Simon Vince
Peter Bendell
Adam Giles
Matthew Southall
Jonathon Dainty
Tom Lillywhite
Henrik Potter
Class of 1998
Tom Blomfield
Simon Day
Tom Kaneko
Timothy Norris
James Campbell
Oliver Gibson
Sam Lewis
Ewen Pritchett
Philip Caruso
Max Guttfield
Colin Miles
Ashley Rake
Matthew Dance
Robert Huggins
Nicholas Mitchell
Ben Ramsden
Class of 1999
Oliver Card
Christopher Fletcher
Guy Johnson
Alexander Robertson
Ryan Dale
James Goates
Peter Lee
Anthony Rooney
Gregory Douglas
Dominic Haddock
Jonathan Lillycrop
Andrew Rutter
Oliver Dunn
Gareth Hart
George Maisey
Joshan Thaker
Martin Easterman
Jeremy Harvey
Jonathan Martin
Joseph Williams
Steve Fawbert
Robert Hopper
Nicholas Petford
2000's Leavers - 'Lost' Alumni
Class of 2000
Nicholas Adi
Christopher Henry
Jesse Mullins
Sean Thomson
John Bowen
Jamie Hiscock
Timothy Ower
James Todd
Joe Collins
Will Jenkins
Christopher Reynolds
Christopher Wheeler
Alastair Cowley
Benjamin Joyce
Benjamin Summers
James Wilkinson
Matthew Dennehy
Nick McKenzie
Nicholas Swart
Peter Woodruff
Class of 2001
Richard Black
Charles Harvey
Alex Martin
Daniel Sherville
Michael Bull
Matthew Kearney
Yuki Ohashi
Charles Sullivan
Jack Carroll
Christopher Lillycrop
J Peebles
Tim Taylor
Stephane Corbel
Julian Mann
Thomas Riley
Andrew Wheeler
John Davidson
Tom Manton
R Sanders
Class of 2002
James Aitken
William Douglas
Ed Marchant
Peter Swart
Jonathan Barnes
Ben Eames
Christopher Mitchell
Robert Thorman
Neil Brocklehurst
Phillip Garmon-Jones
Calum Paterson
Samuel Watts
James Carswell
Jamie Groom
Brandon Rallo
Laurence De Carle
Kamran Haq
Jamie Steel
Class of 2003
Daniel Baker
Rory Cuthbert
Charles Lewis Marffy
Thomas Petford
Daniel Brown
Christopher Deacon
William Lowry
Alexander Proctor
Stuart Buchan
Joshua Dodds
Christopher Maloney
David Rothera
Thomas Chapman
Charles Evans
Alex Morris
Andrew Teale
Edward Conley
Edward Goates
Peter Norton
Class of 2004
Adam Brown
James Hughes
Ian Pogson
William Stuart
Neil Brown
Elliot Hyams
Jonathon Pope
Max Weston
Douglas Connell
Sam Mayo
Mark Reynolds
Neil Dale-Lace
George Pickers
Oliver Roberts
Class of 2005
Joseph Boardman
Lewis Evans
Rhett Marison
William Thomson
Oliver Cooper
Orlando Figg
Ben Morris
George Crooks
Charlie Hogan
Adam Ridsdale
Class of 2006
Harri Adcock
Angus Lees Fitzgibbon
James Nicholls
Alec-John Tucker
Matthew Gabe
Henry Morris
Oliver Ralph
George Van Eesteren
Philip Howlett
Michael Nemec
Tom Swart
Robert Webber
Class of 2007
Daniel Corrigan
Tristan Hine
Oliver Norman
Oliver Weiner
Jack Corrigan-Stuart
Simon Lane
Luke Price
Andrew Wilson
Lewis Davis
David Machin
Charlie Thompson
Christopher Gabe
Oliver Miller
Alastair Tucker
Class of 2008
Richard Alexander
Dominic Penton-Hauchard
Hugh Robinson
James Wilson
Francis Boyter
Leo Popplewell
Johnathan Ross
Michael Patch
William Roberts
Ian Sillett
Class of 2009
Nicholas Black
Monty Cuthbert
John Martin
Jamie Wills
Joseph Carey
William Day
Arjun Patel
Henry Wood
Class of 2010
Kevin Combe
Rob Mcpherson
Sacha Stanojlovic
Eden Curtis
Josh Richardson
Bernard Van Eesteren
James Hallam
Samir Shah
Thomas Wood
Class of 2011
Tom Belton
Lochlann Facer-Floate
Chris Marshall
Milo Stanojlovic
Scott Bendall
Adam Greenway
Alex Miller
Sean Tadman
Harry Brewer
Jack Guise
Joshua Plumb
Tommy Taziker
Hassan Dagina
Ben Johnson
Ollie Porter
Harry Deane
Evgeny Kudryashov
William Sapsford
Class of 2012
Euan Baillie
Oli Gabe
Alex Milton
Henry Osborne
David Bligh
Callum Halpin
Rohan Montgomery
Oliver Walker
William Briscoe
Finn Hynes
Sam Nicholson
Kyle Woobey
Ollie Ellis
Marcus Lawrance
Thomas Oke
George Wood
Class of 2013
Matteo Cocchiara
Nikhil Limbani
Alex Phillips
Freddie Tadman
Mitch Fung
Maksim Maksimuk
Kit Reynolds
Duncan Torbet
James Lewis
Tom Nicholson
Max Swanne
Class of 2014
Morgan Alexander
Thomas Herrero
Joshua Michaels
Spencer Poole
Harry Bradshaw
George Hiscock
Archie Moore
Dan Restall
Declan Comerford
Jack Hudson
Oscar Nevin
George Drewry
Alexander Martin-Lof
Miles Orovwuje-Forbes
Charles Gilbert
James Massa
Devan Owen