The Beacon Bursary Fund is a registered charity (number 310643) independent of The Beacon but affiliated to it. The current Trustees are; Ms R. Garrett-Bowes, Ms F. Mayhew, Mr A. Hoekema and Ms C. Langley, Ms B. Myers, Ms K. Berens and Mr F Muzika serves as Clerk to the Trustees.
The Fund’s purpose is to provide financial assistance for the education of pupils at The Beacon whose parents or guardians run into temporary financial difficulties, and who may otherwise have to withdraw their son from school at a time that might be detrimental to their educational progress. Assistance is usually offered only until the time that a family’s financial stability is sufficiently restored to meet the fees, or until a pupil can be moved out of the independent sector with minimal disruption to his studies, and rarely extends beyond a year. The Fund does have the power to offer assistance to parents of former pupils of The Beacon if they are unable to meet the fees of their secondary school but, as a practical matter, the secondary school itself usually provides appropriate help.
The Fund derives its income from parental donations (made as a voluntary contribution on the termly fee invoice), Gift Aid and investment income.
The application procedure is as follows:
The offer is made in the form of “a percentage of fees and reasonable extras” for a specified number of terms. “Reasonable extras” usually means that:
Based upon these principles, you will receive at each term end a fee bill listing all charges and showing a deduction of the amount that the Fund will pay, making clear the net amount that remains for you to pay. It is a condition of the funding that all amounts owing by the parents are paid by the due date i.e. the first day of the term to which the fees invoice applies. All terms and conditions of the parent contract as displayed on the school website continue to apply, unaffected by bursary arrangements.